There are so many great conversations about what makes a successful leader and as I have said before we need to appreciate that just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder so is leader effectiveness in the eye of the follower.

I do believe followers no longer look for the knight in shining armour riding in on his white horse! They are looking for a leader who has courage and is prepared to be vulnerable too. I believe it is time for leaders not to know everything and not to come from a place of ego – they need to be vulnerable and get off that white horse – we don’t need hero leaders anymore we need courageous leaders who are able to be REAL with the people they lead.


Things are changing so rapidly that we need leaders who courageously own not knowing and not being able to show the way forward – rather we need leaders who collaborate with others to create future directions no one individual could have imagined.

The collective is more successful than the individual. We need more courageous leaders and far less hero leaders.