Recently a participant in a leadership program I was facilitating gave me feedback on the power of my storytelling to demonstrate vulnerability and encourage absolute transparency. courageous leaders share stories with honesty and vulnerability

She shared that she planned to take this approach back to her workplace to bolster her leadership capability and transform her experiences when influencing her boss’ decisions.

The art of storytelling is a very powerful ability for leaders who want to inspire.

I recall many years ago being told in an advanced learning programme that stories work best and create a powerful impact when you adopt the following IPB formula:

I = incident
Provide the critical details of the incident so people understand the context and enough content so the point of the story can be deciphered

P = point
Once you have given enough content you disclose the point of sharing the story

B = benefit
Announce the benefit to them for hearing this story.

I have used this formula for years to refine my storytelling. I think it is a skill well worth acquiring for leaders who want to inspire others to be courageous in the honesty and vulnerability they bring to their conversations.