Research & Insights – Taking Conversations Deeper than an Annual Review

In this newsletter we take a look at what we’re calling Performance Management 2.0. That is, implementing a process for conducting deeper, more regular conversations as opposed to annual performance reviews.

How Better Conversations Look

Conversations connect people, they engage people, they inform people, they ignite action and they ultimately develop or damage the culture of the business. Uncertainty about about HOW to engage in “better conversations” often prevents business leaders from even trying. This article outlines six conversations to engage in regularly that will improve communication and relationships

Ungoaling: Developing Habits

Research indicates that focusing on developing habits instead of pursuing goals is ultimately an easier way to create change. Goal-focused behaviours tend to have a heavy cognitive load, whereas habits, once established, require much less brain power, and over time, might even be faster ways to get things done.

This holds true at an organisational level too – creating work systems (habits), develops high agility, both in terms of how teams are structured and how targets are developed.

Leading from the Top

These case studies illustrate how three large organisations; Google, Adobe and Cargill; benefited from changing their performance management practices.

The case studies suggest that investing in their leaders and managers has the best effect – leading from the top as role models.

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