open-mindOver the last few months I have attended three graduation/ celebration events – two for my gorgeous eldest daughter and the other for a wonderful young woman I have mentored. What brilliant evenings and how incredibly refreshing for my soul to hear and see young people share their dreams, display their passion for the future and display wide eyed hope for the careers they plan to carve out.

So wonderful to embrace such energy – I recommend it to anyone who wants a lift. Take up the opportunity to participate in such events.

I then topped off the experience by watching my youngest daughter dance in her last concert with the performing arts school she has attended for several years.

The passion and belief of youth is so infectious – how sad to see it stamped out in the corporate world. Too many people are far too quick to bad mouth the youth of today and espouse stories about their poor attitudes. If you fall into this category I suggest you refresh your soul and your belief in young people – stop looking for events to support your stories animage courtesy of Idea go and freedigitalphotos.netd instead start believing.

I am so very tired of hearing people talk ill of the young…… get what you seek; so start searching for different experiences.