Transitioning to LeadershipTransitioning to leadership – moving from doing to managing – is not as easy as it sounds. There can be many pitfalls along the way as one navigates their way from being managed to managing others.

Here are seven things to reflect on that will assist with transitioning to leadership:

1. Identify the kind of leader you want to be – what does your ideal self look like and how does it connect with all the facets of your life roles?

2. Define your sweetspot – where do you preferences and capabilities interconnect?

3. Be mindful of the intersection between you and your organisation – be clear on culture, ask questions, ask for feedback and make sure, with transparency and authenticity,  your expectations of each other are the same

4. Unite your leadership populations – are you, as an emerging leader, on the same page as the existing leaders? If not, why not? How can you be?

5. Invest the time and energy into developing your leadership mastery. Work on yourself, your relationships and your business. All are important.

6. Understand things will change when you become a leader: decisions, direction, delegation, dependency, development, delivery and deals

7. Prepare the foundation for your transition – focus on managing and let go of doing.