Last week we talked about the mistakes that many people make when they embark on their leadership journey. This time, we’ll look at the top 5 reasons developing Self Mastery can be difficult.
1. Integrating it into who you are every day
Intellectually understanding what is needed to make changes is much easier than integrating the needed behaviours.
Dedicated effort is required to consciously prepare how to integrate the changes into daily behaviours, as well as taking the time to reflect on how you went, what worked, what could do with some extra attention and what you could do differently next time.
2. Accountability
Relying on excuses is a common area of our culture. Accountability means taking responsibility, not justifying, blaming or making excuses. Instead of saying “I didn’t have time” try “I chose not to complete that task”. Taking responsibility and owning your choices can be difficult.
3. Evolving
Self Mastery is a journey, not a destination. Continued learning is required and a quick fix is not in sight!
4. Discomfort
Reflective thinking is a powerful tool and also one that many find tough. Developing Self Mastery means taking the time to evaluate your own performance each day. Use these 5 questions:
– what happened during the meeting or conversation or project – stick to the facts
– what worked well and created benefits for you and for others
– what didn’t work or went wrong causing issues and difficulties;
– how you felt during the meeting or conversation or project and the impact this created for the behaviours you chose and the thinking you ignited
– what you could do differently next time you are in the same situation.
5. Pay-offs are more likely to be long term
In this instantaneous world we live in where gratification and results are expected NOW, many run into difficulties when developing self mastery. We’re programmed to want the quick fix and we retract from anything that requires dedicated effort and discipline. Self Mastery is not developed this way.
Investment in development of self and others sometimes means the immediate benefit is not always recognizable. Being aware of this when you embark on a Self Mastery journey certainly makes the difficulties subside.