I read this quote from Mark Twain

“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.”

and it got me thinking:

Having been on the receiving end of many angry bosses I thought I don’t know if I agree with this quote – because it hurts loads when it is poured on you. However on deeper reflection I agree totally with the quote because those who store it become isolated, feared, removed, lonely and eventually lose their way back. They don’t know any other way to turn up because the anger erodes any other emotional choices and it becomes easy to retain my reputation of being angry. Others get to know the triggers and may even push them in order to discount you in a meeting – irrational angry person!

Courageous Leaders don’t allow anger to fester and dwell – in fact I would go as far to say they choose to come from a place of anger less and less – choosing to access a more constructive emotion.