I have just joined a campaign for the month of April – its called Grateful in April – and I love it’s essence. Far too many of us focus on the negative and spend too little time and energy on what we can be grateful for. As I lie in my bed with a very sore back it is a real test….. What can I be grateful for: Attitude of Gratitude

1. That I hurt it playing hockey – doing something I love and at an age that many people have given up on the idea of playing competitive sport….lots to be grateful for

2. That I am lying in my bed resting and relaxing – something I have wanted to do – so now I can be grateful that I have the perfect excuse to do what I wanted to do anyway?

3. That I have made time and space to engage with so many people via social media – grateful for the time to engage

4. That my daughters came and lay with me and just chatted to keep me company and my sister spent 30 minutes on the phone chatting to me…….i can be grateful for this special time

5. That my body has shown me the power of slowing down – and I need to take this with me after my back gets better……..grateful for the lesson……that might be stretching my thinking ……couldn’t I get the lesson in a less painful way I hear my inner voice saying?

So no matter what turns up for me this month I am going to challenge myself to come at it with an attitude of gratitude…….please join me and share some of your stories!