Go on you can do it – let every person in your team know how grateful you are for having them as part of your team. And when you have this conversation be specific ………so you sound and feel authentic to the person on the receiving end of the conversation.

You can even engage in this conversation via some form of social media or e-mail; so there is no room for any excuses,  like geographical, time or embarrassment of sitting together and not knowing exactly how to say it and react when they get embarrassed.

Thought about this a little deeper and felt a tinge of sadness that as a human race we find it so very hard to express our gratitude openly.  Everyone wants to belong, wants to feel significant and that they matter to their boss and to the organisation. So, firstly take the time and create the presence to “notice” what each individual in your team is contributing and then importantly thank them very specifically.  It is time to show you “care”.

Note a “general” expression of gratitude runs the risk of appearing false and inauthentic – so it really needs to be specific, otherwise don’t bother. People have a tendency to ignore the sweeping general statements and then this will annoy you – you made the effort and they were ‘ungrateful’ – quite a paradox really!!

Express your gratitude and then let me know what happens after this – would love to know!