serenity-in-natureSerenity is important for leaders. Our emotions run high and timelines and workloads put us into stressful moods and situations.

So it is important to take time out and enjoy the serenity of nature. Breathe in the fresh air and listen to the “quiet” – rushing river water is a beautiful quiet!! Go for a walk around a lake or within parkland – notice the size of the trees, the colour of the bark, feel the bark (maybe even give a tree a hug and “feel” the essence of it), the colour of the water, and the smoothness of the lake’s surface.

Be present with your natural surroundings – do not be tempted to be in nature physically with your mind present in impending work.

Serenity is about finding peace, creating calm, being tranquil and not letting the stress of everyday living to swamp you.

Our busy world crowds our ability to BE with our feelings, our thoughts and our aspirations in the moment – so push back and reclaim your space for serenity. For this to work you must experience the serenity without feelings of guilt – what you “should” be doing; or the label we often use internally – being “lazy”.

Try it out and see what happens! Be mindful of your natural environment and embrace the serenity it can bring.

There is also an article you may find useful to reclaim serenity in the workplace – summarised into 7 steps:

1. realise you have a choice
2. focus on what you can control now
3. watch the caffeine intake
4. get some “air” – within a natural environment (as I am suggesting)
5. quit catastrophizing
6. change your information intake
7. let yourself laugh.

If you want to know more – check out the article.