I have had so many people tell me that leaders are born – they say you can see evidence of it when children play in the sand pit with their friends. People also blame their natural preferences on whether they were born to be a leader – I am just too quiet, I am introverted……………….and all the other excuses we use to substantiate that we were not born to be a leader! Leaders are born

The more I have experienced, explored, read and researched the more I disagree with the claim that leaders are born. I strongly believe leaders are “made” – they work hard to develop the awareness and the capability to lead themselves; to lead others and to lead the business. Leaders bring a level of consciousness to their choices of behaviour, they bring awareness of how they can be at their best when working with others, they develop emotional resilience, they use tools to give and receive feedback. None of this is “natural” – it is not how you are

Working with a group of “emerging leaders” a few years ago I recall one young woman telling me she was not leadership material – she did not believe that she fitted the mould, she was not born to be a great leader in her organisation. After working with her for one year as she participated in twelve one day modules learning HOW to be an effective and a courageous leader……this same young woman “believed” she could be a brilliant leader. She had developed the confidence and the conviction to be the kind of leader she really wanted to be. She was released from the limiting belief system she had developed that only a certain “kind” of person could be a leader in her organisation.

Leaders are made by supporting them to develop the confidence, conviction and courage to be the kind of leader they really want to be and the kind of leader the business needs them to be.

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