the-helpAfter watching the movie – “The Help” – on the plane recently it brought a focus on the critical lesson drawn out by the character called Abilene. She dared to have the courage to do what she and others believed was “the right thing to do”. She unleashed the courage to share the real stories of how the black maids were being treated within the white households; despite the possibility of retribution.

It reminded me of the importance of such a mindset in the business world. The importance of leaders rising above their feelings of fear and telling the stories, making the decisions and sharing the truth. The importance of rising above their “humanness”; where safety of the status quo is preferred over the unleashing of courage.

Unleashing such courage releases energy and flow and puts what is right above personal fears and needs. What would the world be like if our leaders did more of this? If they brought this kind of authenticity and truth?

I believe that deep down inside people know what is “right”; and sadly far too many bury this knowing under the facade they have used to create business success. They ignore the cost of remaining in the safety of their facade and holding onto the status quo.

Unleash the courage to do what is right.