If you don’t understand – ask me
If you don’t agree – challenge me
If you don’t like it – tell me
But don’t start judging me silently.

I shared this with you in an earlier BLOG and wanted to check in on how you were going with putting it into action. It is one thing to read the mantra, understand it and another thing completely to action it.  I will share my thoughts and experiences and welcome yours!

In my experience it has been most difficult to stay true to this mantra with the people you know really well – because of my fear in hurting their feelings. It certainly requires complete transparency and this necessarily incurs and incites hurt for you and for others. The old saying – the truth hurts – is so true.

Yet when you engender this kind of truth, it means complete trust and openness with the people in your life – no games, no politics, no hiding and no false promises. It is actually an empowering place to operate in once you muster the complete courage to create this kind of personal accountability. Because what I found as I brought this mantra to life was the only person who knows you are judging silently is YOU!

What has been your experience?