We are hearing in the marketplace that business leaders need change agility and learning agility. So if you are serious about your career as a leader in your organisation then we are hearing that it is important for you to get serious about agility. Courageous Leaders have learning agility

When it comes to change; leaders ignite it, and it is imposed on them by others. Both require agility:

1. Igniting change: leaders have the agility to recognise their course of action from an earlier decision is not working. So they need to be able to drop their ego and own that it is not working and then have the courage to ignite another change that replaces the original course of action. They find another way

2. Imposed change: leaders have the agility and resilience to make the change being imposed on them work with speed and effectiveness. They embrace it and support others in their teams to do the same.

The agility required from business leaders has moved beyond change agility and sees leaders demonstrating learning agility. Beyond recognising that change needs to be ignited – they need to reflect and capture learning from the experience. So when presented with a similar situation they can use their experience and knowledge from the past. This certainly requires a subordination of the ego – not something that many business leaders are comfortable with. The challenge is to get comfortable with a debriefing process – this is our greatest learning experience should we dare to embrace it!

Learning agility is demonstrated real time as change is imposed and ignited. Finding a disciplined process to enable this demonstration is really important. If you are interested in knowing more about the power of the debrief process please contact me as I will happily share more.