Why is courageous leadership critical to enable growth?

courageous leadership and growthGrowth is sustainably created when leaders demonstrate courageous leadership by making the right decisions at the right time and with the right intent. This is at the very heart of their business mastery and it takes courage to use this with confidence and conviction to create the change that is needed to enable the growth desired.

As a business grows it needs the courageous leadership that requires decisions to:

  • Determine the structure to take the business forward
  • Define the roles within this structure to bring about high performance
  • Select the right people in the right roles to take the business forward with high performance being created and enabled
  • Create clarity on the business vision, brand and culture that is going to create the sustainable growth they seek
  • Decide on the business model that is going to generate the growth being sought

Many leaders face these challenges and decisions with fear and uncertainty – often driven by years of wanting to control, protect and comply to ensure the business they are leading is successful. This success has historically been measured by reports from financial analysts and movements of share prices on the stock exchange.

What also results is something we call the sustainability conundrum – how to generate each of:

  • Financial sustainability – acceptable bottom line results and positive net tangible assets on the balance sheet
  • People sustainability – strong retention and engagement of people who strive to create a high performing culture and give their best enthusiastically to the business
  • Brand sustainability – a strong presence in the marketplace and strong commitment to live up to the brand promise.

Balancing the challenges of success as measured by these three aspects if sustainability is crucial to generate organisational growth. And it takes courage to be able to make the right decisions, at the right time and, importantly, with the right intent for all of these things to align.

This blog is inspired by one of the articles in our latest quarterly insights e-news. Subscribe and receive your copy here.