“In a relationship you have to learn how to roll with things, not sweat the small stuff, not let yesterday’s stuff chew up today.”~ Dawson

What wise and simple advice and yet not always so easy to apply. As human beings we get so caught up in stuff – we easily experience an emotional hijack and this makes it even more difficult to let stuff go and move on to more stuff!

Consciousness and discipline are required if we want to take up the wise advice. Firstly, be conscious of what we are getting caught up in and how we are being caught up. Secondly, exercise discipline to step away, reflect and determine a personal plan of action to:

– roll with it
– not sweat the small stuff
– not let the stuff get taken forward into the next day.

Bringing such consciousness will open your eyes to the emotional hijacks we all experience – you may even start to see patterns and notice what triggers these emotions. Once you do this you can check for ways to reduce the impact of such hijacks or even avoid them altogether……how fabulous.

Creating the discipline to deal with the stuff constructively brings great energy and feelings of fulfilment. As children my dad would never let my sister and I go to bed “with bad blood” – everyone in the family had to kiss and make up before we went to bed……how wise he was. From a young age he taught us to deal with the stuff, let go of it and start each morning afresh. As we get older this feels more difficult – only because we allow it.

Reclaim the ease of a child to forgive and forget – not hold a grudge and not create a deep memory. Rather they choose to wake up to a fresh and new day filled with fabulous experiences. Now I hear some of you saying “how idealistic” – yes it is AND it is also completely possible because control is totally within your locus of control and influence. So try it out!