Keep a watch on the behaviours that don’t bring out the best in others and in you. Notice these behaviours, name them and recognise the impact they have when you choose to use them – on you and on others. We use the Human using LSI to learn about your thinking and behavioursSynergistics LSI toolsto support people in creating this kind of consciousness – because sometimes it is difficult to label the behaviours that are not working so well. This happens because in the busyness of your life as a leader you can start to operate on automatic pilot and not be at all conscious of your choices in the way you turn up with others in the business.

For example, in my experience many people use “competitive” behaviour thinking it is normal and that it is the only way to achieve great results and motivate people to perform at their best. And it takes a diagnostic tool, such as the LSI to assist people create awareness of the impact of their thinking and their behaviour choice.

Once this awareness is created it is not about trying to eradicate the thinking and the behaviour and labelling it as “bad” – because it is well accepted that if you try to suppress it, it “leaks” out and creates even more damage than it currently does. There have also been years of conditioning and experience that have brought you to where you are at – you are after all a human being with well worn habits! So, much better to:
* notice it
* name it
* decide what to do with it.

This means a better understanding of how the behaviour is being triggered and why you respond this way in given circumstances. Then you can find ways to ” replace it” when it pops up. This takes consciousness, discipline and rigour – all important attributes of a Courageous Leader.

Leaders are nurtured and developed not born – you CAN learn to be a constructive and courageous leader.