joan-of-arcOne of the most difficult consequences of being a “Game Changer” is that not everyone is going to like you! Upon reading  this next paragraph in a recent blog it certainly resonated with me:

“Difference makers make change. The majority of people don’t like the change. Here in lies the conflict, especially to those who will lose financial, social or any other influence for change. Game Changers often find themselves alone, abandoned by others, yet it is their lives we celebrate throughout history.”

There are many such stories – I recall reading Carolyn Taylor’s words when she said as an initiator of change within an organisation you can feel like Joan of Arc – being burned at the stake…… each day you continue with leading the change! And I know from my own personal experiences of wanting to create change within the Professional Services Industry in the late 1990’s this was very much the case for me. It can be very lonely and you can sometimes challenge yourself about whether it is really worth the pain…….which I guess is why we don’t have as many Game Changers as we really need within business.

When we embrace the role of game changer we don’t always sit and think through the personal consequences, rather we get excited about the consequences of the change we are initiating.

It takes courage to be a Game Changer and a deep sense of conviction – total belief in what you are wanting to change!