political game playing in your organisationAn on going message from leaders is their lack of time to spend with people to engage them constructively in the pursuit of high performance. Yet astoundingly too many of these same leaders magically find time and invest the energy to engage in politics to protect and assure their position into the future.

This is an interesting conundrum and one I encourage more CEOs to challenge openly and directly. Go to the “heart”of political game playing – there are always a few power players – and confront them with the specifics of what they are doing and how it serves the successful performance of the business. Challenge others not to conform to political requests out of fear and encourage and support them to stop allowing the time and energy to be devoted here. Rather, find and provide ways to encourage constructive conversations enabling performance.

Political game playing gets its power from fear – just like the school yard bullies.

I challenge more CEOs to BE vulnerable and engage in conversations where you are uncertain of the outcome and yet you are operating with high personal integrity – to get the best for the business. Vulnerability is personal strength – reframe and rethink!