rule-bookReading the wise words of Doug Dickerson sparked interesting thoughts – for leaders of organisations how important are rules in leadership he asks? He quotes the words of Howard Behar (author of “It’s Not About the Coffee”) to inspire new thinking about the importance of rules and I share it here with you:

“There’s no better feeling than being encouraged to fully use your abilities. You will find your work far more satisfying, and you’ll encourage that same satisfaction in others. Everybody wins. The more we know ourselves and our goals, the fewer rules are needed.”

Doug goes on to talk about the importance of fostering a culture of personal growth and development and I align this with my desire to unleash the potential of each individual in your team. If you are too engrossed in the rules then we lose the diversity and the potential of individuals. The rules become more important than the individuals – and this will not enable high performance! In my experience rules restrict performance to mediocrity; potential takes it to high performance.

There is a time and a place for the “rules” – and leaders need to know when and where this is!