People want to be treated fairly and for many they also want equality. These feelings are important to the way they engage within their team, connect with their boss and commit to the future of the organisation. equality and fairness amongst leaders and their teams

I overheard some team leaders talking the other day about how disgusted they felt that the top leadership team were going to enjoy a fancy Christmas party where their life partners and children were coming along. These team leaders were based in the factory and funding had been cut for their party meaning they were not allowed to bring life partners and children along. They were angry and spoke very emotionally about the way they were being treated differently and yet were at the front line of creating success for the business.

There are proven links between fairness and feelings of disgust – I watched an experiment on YouTube where there were two monkeys sitting side by side in separate cages. They  are encouraged to pass a stone that is in their cage out through the bars to the keeper. In return they are rewarded with food. One monkey receives a grape and the other a piece of cucumber. Once realising his peer is receiving grapes this monkey threw out the cucumber from the cage, in disgust, back at this keeper! He can see his treatment is unfair and he is disgusted by his keeper.

This is exactly what happens in business too – just the disgust is not always displayed as openly for fear of retribution- like losing your job.