Watched the movie Song for Marion and then listened to the Bruno Mars song “Treasure” and it was a huge double whammy to make me focus on what is really IMPORTANT in life. What I want to share is that it is far too easy to get hung up on stuff.

What other people think, what other people feel and then the place we’ve ended up when we realise it is not where we wantbe present in the moment and treasure what you have to be in the present. So we feel trapped in what we have become – a miserable old man, a nit picky mum, so organised and planful we don’t have space for spontaneity, unfit and overweight…………and the list can go on!

Well “treasure” the moment and the present and DO something to create the possibilities in the now! Dare you to watch “Song for Marion” and not feel intense emotion and not question whether you are really doing the stuff that treasures YOU and treasures the people around you; and whether you have allowed someone in your life “in” to truly treasure you!

Listen to the words of Bruno Mars song:
“Give me your attention baby……you are fine so fine!  Treasure – that is what you are – you can make my wish come true. Let me treasure you! You are fine so fine. You are my golden star. You are my treasure….. Let me treasure you……..”

I don’t believe we say this stuff often enough to the special people in our lives and we absolutely need to – stop surrounding yourself with work and busy-ness!

Assess what traps you have got caught up in and what habits you’ve created that you are finding hard to break…..this could be the circuit breaker you need!

Treasure life, treasure relationships and treasure yourself and what you stand for!! This takes courage – so much easier to just fit in and not rock the boat and especially not draw attention to yourself or others…….come on you can do it – watch the movie and listen to the song and change!!!