leaders must be challenged to disrupt the status quoMany leadership teams are deciding that a need to disrupt the status quo is what is needed to create continued business success. However in my experience they use the phrase ‘disrupt the status quo’ with an external use context. In other words, the way their business goes to market. They seek disruption in how their business takes their product or service to the market to generate revenue.

Only a few days ago I challenged a leadership team to think about how to disrupt the status quo internally too – the sacred cows of how we work inside an organisation need to be disrupted and challenged too.

For example, how 4 weeks of annual leave needing to be approved by the boss first!! Richard Branson has challenged this sacred cow and it’s going to be interesting to see how he goes. In his organisations, each team member manages and is accountable for their annual leave and the impact of their absence on the team. No approval from someone higher up in the organisational hierarchy is needed.

I challenge all leaders to seek ways to disrupt their own organisations internally and externally to sustain business success.