I found it challenging and then “curious” that someone provided feedback on a public workshop I recently facilitated on the transition from employee to manager that some of it was “too basic”. This forced me to think about the essence of managing and leading people and after considerable reflections arrived at the conclusion that if we were each to concentrate on the basics then we would bring a better balance between task and people.

Managing and leading is not “intellectual” rocket science – it is basic – and yet I continue to experience highly intellectual managers of people looking for the very complicated and complex solution. The solution is all about getting them out of their head.

We just need to get out of our head and into our heart – not something many managers are willing and ready to do. After all it is ” business” and we don’t need to do heart when engaging in business – isn’t that right?

No it is not right! I hear myself screaming out.

Lets get back to comment about being “too basic” – and what I have taken away from this feedback. I know I will emphasise next time I am facilitating that this is not intellectually challenging – it is challenging from the perspective of getting out of task orientation and into people orientation and being conscious about HOW we translate the intellect into actual behaviours – conversations we have, language we choose, courage we demonstrate.

So catch yourself and the inner chatter you create – remember basics are important and will drive real change if you stop resisting and searching for something more complex!