Realise that you may not agree with how some people live their lives but this doesn’t mean that they are wrong, you are choose your behaviours and try not to judge others through your values right or that they have to live your way.

There is no right or wrong way and it’s important for you to make sure you are very clear about this. This was shared with me by a colleague to ensure I did not waste energy and thinking space on judging those around me, especially by my standards.

I have continued to explore this concept and have seen firsthand the power of judging others by your very clear standards – driven by your personal values. It is easy to go into judgment using your values – to find that others are not living up to your standards.

Better for you to create clarity on how you turn up and stop judging others for how they turn up because you cannot change other people. You can only change the way you turn up.

If their behaviours are creating an impact for you that you do not like then choose to provide them with feedback and provide an opportunity for them to change if they want to. If they choose not to change then you decide what choices are available to you for the way you continue to turn up with them – because you do have choices.

In fact it is important to remember that you “reap what you tolerate”.